Steel structure equipment has been widely used in recent years, and many new apartment types have been constructed with steel structure materials. Mainly because of the sturdiness of the steel structure material, the excellent mildew and wind resistance. Steel structure workshops have been very popular in recent years. Many customers have accepted steel structures to build workshops. What are the items to be considered when designing light steel structure workshops? Let's talk about hanau building design now.
1. Basic design of light steel structure workshop
The basic cost of the light steel structure workshop is closely related to the status of the manufacturer's equipment. The basic method cost of the light steel structure workshop is only 10% to 15% of the total cost. The basic construction period in the course of the project only accounts for half of the 20%-25% of the total construction period, but the details are still verified according to the so-called status of the light steel structure factory.
Therefore, before the construction of the light steel structure workshop, it is necessary to inquire about the geological conditions and conditions of the construction site and surrounding areas in detail. At the same time, letting the engineering designer go to the construction site to conduct inspections in order to be able to grasp the number of steel in the light steel structure workshop played a very good purpose.
2. Steel beam design
The steel beams of light steel structure equipment are mostly rectangular cross-section beams. This kind of steel beam is usually used in the design of light steel structure workshops, but the probability of using materials is relatively low. One of the reasons is that the steel stress near the neutral axis is relatively low, and the other is that the bending moment of the steel beam changes with the change of the beam manufacturer. Due to the low stress in most areas of the uniform cross-section beam, the steel cannot be used very well, so only the axial force can be used to enhance the traversing rate of the steel.
Therefore, the designers of steel structure engineering use flat trusses instead of rectangular steel beams when designing light steel structure workshops. In this case, the plane truss is a hollow beam, so it can not only guarantee the light steel structure. It is durable, reduces weight, and effectively reduces the steel used by the manufacturer, thereby reducing the cost of Steel Structure Workshops.
Hangzhou Hanau Architectural Design Co., Ltd. is a professional company that provides comprehensive architectural design services. Its service areas involve architectural design, structural design and engineering production and installation consulting, etc. The company has many design institutes, architectural design offices, engineering companies and real estate The company has established a good cooperative relationship. Welcome new and old customers to call or email us to discuss cooperation, thank you.
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The steel structure is made of many different materials. Hanau Building Design steel structure processing professionals report whether the quality of our steel structure can be distinguished from the steel structure processing materials, so the request is relatively high. So are the steel structure processing materials required high?
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